Sunday, July 12, 2009

Richard E. Miller Videos

After watching all three videos, Mr. Miller had a lot of great ideas and comments made about technology literate teachers and trying to make our students more accessible to these alternative learning methods that are going to be the future of our academic lifestyles.

In the first video Mr. Miller talks about how now is an important time in the academic world. Technology is vastly changing. He talks of incremental change. This is the change from carrying notebooks and pencils to carrying laptops and using word processing. The new workplace is not a desk, but a desktop. By using the Internet documents are now made available forever. You don't have to worry about anything being deleted or cleared. Another incremental change is collaborating and composing with images, film, sound, or anything that is archived. All of these new technologies need to be learned and mastered by teachers everywhere for adequate academics to take place.

In the second video Mr. Miller talks about how material is updated instantly on the web now. He makes mention of Itunes University and how successful it has been with students listening to different lecture around the world. He says that ideas are not individual things and that they belong to culture. He talks about how educators don't need to just teach or use the materials, but they also need to get behind it. I believe everything he says is true. I can see how people can become stingy with their ideas, but they should share them so that others can try to bring their ideas to life. Mr. Miller says all we need is aspiring teachers and a pedagogy to teach by. With those two things we as teachers could being a whole new generation of learning.

The third video talked about how we should be at the cutting edge of learning about technology and using it. We moved to web 2.0 because of how people were beginning to collaborate on social networking sites and on blogs. He talked about how universities have something wikipedia doesn't have. That is a way to institutionalize these practices appropriately and successfully.

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