Sunday, June 21, 2009

The FischBowl

After reading Karl Fisch's post I am outstanded how he could make those comments and still be so right. I agree with him tremendously about how teachers really do not deserve to teach if they themselves do not know how to use a computer. They are only setting their students up for failure.

It is funny how I look around myself and wonder why and how half the people around me are in college due to the fact of how technoligcally illiterate they are. It even agrivates and furstrates me sometimes when people are asking me simple tasks about things dealing with the internet or even the computer in general. I will admit there are few instances where even I do'not even know a few things, but as teachers you are constantly learning new things, but to ask things even my young niece could do on a computer is a little bit outlandish.

After reading the post I know now teachers owe it to their students to know how to use a computer. Being able to use a computer is a lot like being able to read or write. In the early 20th century people could still get a well paying job and not know who to read or write. At the end of the 20th century very very few people could get any kind of job without knowing how to read or write. People who do not know how to use a computer can still get good paying jobs, but it is getting increasingly harder. I think within the nest 10 to 15 years it is going to be as difficult to get a job if you don't know how to use a computer as it is to get a job not knowing how to read or write. Teachers can't teach what they don't know.

All this information was found at Karl Fisch's Post


  1. Wow! What is the best route to take to make sure that ALL eachers are technologically literate?

  2. I think the problem is institutional, but I suppose that's somewhat heretical. Blaming teachers seems to be in vogue. Where are those teacher's supervisors? Where is the curriculum that can't be taught without it? Public Education has always been a system that rewards mediocrity, and the technology dilemma just highlights it. My point is we need to get at the source. Those "tech reluctant" teachers are hired, and rewarded (paid more each year) whether they are especially good or not, and whether they are technology literate or not. I think we need to get at the system that keeps doing that.

    (Sorry if this is an intrusion in your class; I'm set to track when there is another comment to that post on Fischbowl, and I can never resist responding. I work in Maine, where the "tech reluctant" teachers come in all ages, as do the savvy ones. :)
